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Whether you are conventional or organic, Soil Works has fertilizers designed to feed your soil microbes and build the quality of your crop.  Our fertilizers are more nutritional than the standard N-P-K.   Carbon based and low salt, they are designed to increase the photosynthetic efficiency, sugar content, health and overall quality of the plant.

Our fertilizer products are dry water soluble delivering you only the active ingredient.  Water, salt, etc. are inactive and cost you money.  Dry water soluble products are easy to handle; shipping costs are low and you only pay for what works.  By solubilizing our products upon application, the availability increases delivering your plants what they need when they need it.

Traditional fertilizers are efficient at producing vegetative growth.   Calcium and phosphorus fertilizers are designed to enhance the reproductive growth and quality of a crop.  Being carbon based and low salt our fertilizer products can take you beyond yield.

When quality pays look beyond the traditional fertilizers and build nutrition in your crop by feeding your soil with quality products from Soil Works.

Our Fertilizer Products

GSR Growing Calcium - A calcium product applied to the soil when plants are growing.

DA-Phos - A product that supplies phosphates and needed energy to plants and is perfectly balanced to be used in harmony with GSR Calcium.

Microburst - A blend of GSR Calcium and DA-Phos (7-53-2) happily together in one bag. Perfect for lawns and gardens!

Tree & Vine – A scientifically formulated product high in phosphorus with trace amounts of potassium which is perfect for trees and vines.

MSR (Micronized Soft Rock) Phosphate - A true work horse that can be used on dormant soil as well as growing plants.

C-Plex (Carbon Plex) - Our carbon product which is perfect in obtaining the perfect carbon to nitrogen ratio (30:1).

Bio-5 - All the microbial diversity you need in one product, including bacteria, fungi, actinomyces, protozoa, and nematodes.

Links to Our Partners’ Products

Neptune’s Harvest

Schafer Fish

Not all products are registered in all states. Please contact us for specific product information

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